Yuval Noah Harari’s philosophy is profoundly disturbing…
General Intelligence Is A Mass Murderer (potentially)
So, let’s scan through this interview with the infamous Harari, who manages to sell brilliantly the idea that humanity is meaningless, unredeemable, and deserves to be commodified and handled just like any other piece of data. The most appalling is that many agree with him and are ready to embrace the deception of the millennium:
@ 1:40 mins: he dares say that humans do not seem to be happier…
Humans have lost their happiness and optimism because their existential struggles drain them on a daily basis. They have been vindicated by a system forcing them to pay taxes on their income, spending, and even things they already own, while costs of living have been creeping up since the great depression. Inflation is everywhere, and fifty percent of the global food production goes to waste.
People find refuge in gluttony and caffeine, and high insulin-related metabolic conditions are rampant. Street drugs have also become more lethal over the years. The final straw is the illusion of overpopulation, while boomers will disappear within the next 15 years, and that alone will reduce demographics by at least 10 percent worldwide.
Many cite our environmental corporate disasters and have joined Harari’s chorus that life will soon not be worth living if General Intelligence does not step in.
@ 5mins, he goes at length explaining that the hominids that came before the homo sapiens didn’t have a soul.
He is working hard to instill a big push for non-theism here when he deems that a chimpanzee does not have a soul, and so do the Neanderthals. And since science contends that many humans have Neanderthal DNA, the latter may be soulless too. The problem here, as we see it, is that Life as a whole is a consequence of the Invisible Realms all around us, which would mean that Life is sacred.
It’s pretty well known that the human eye perceives wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers, implying that it can only see a portion we call visible light. That would presuppose that the magnitude of the Invisible World is beyond anything we can fathom.
But Harari, who calls himself a scientist, miserably attempts to debunk the Supernatural. We differ here in the name of Real Science. However, some genuine researchers are slowly understanding that Consciousness May Actually Begin Before Birth. But this is another double-edged sword, as AI experts already claim that such findings could advance computing. In the meantime, some new findings suggest that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens are of the same species.
There is compelling evidence that Neanderthals had intellect comparable to Homo sapiens, reads the article.
Until Silicon Valley begins to embrace the concept of UNseen instead of imagining countless measures to steal and sell our data, it will remain in the hands of scientism. Harari resorting to metaphors alluding to the notion of hell and heaven to make his opinion look worthwhile is, in fact, some kind of debilitating rhetoric. The Unseen does exist, and it affects us every second as we are part of a Cosmic Organism.
Once upon a time, Astrology and Alchemy were considered science. They have been replaced with scientism and blind trust in the experts. It is another construct plaguing society nowadays. Many people still ignore that Newton was studying Alchemy secretly. Da Vinci also dedicated his life to esotericism, which influenced his work and legacy.
Harari also spent a long time rambling about “fictional stories” that humans invented, religion being one, but there were so many other things, such as soccer. We are not keen on religious dogmas, although the latter merely convey ancient occult texts called the Mysteries, which are inaccessible to the average person.
It is a fact that we project our own perceptions, shaping our world in turn. So, we need to be extremely careful of what stories we feed children during these first seven years, as they will tend to assimilate every word like a gospel. The Universe gave children virgin brains because it is up to us to choose the society we want to live in. Perpetuating dystopia or finding the path to authentic Freedom. It is not without a reason that Aristotle said:
Children need to hear about objective truth as taught by the Trivium to exercise their critical thinking, which is found in the premise of sovereignty derived from birthrights. You will not hear such a truth on television or in the traditional education system because ruling bodies don’t want people to grasp such a matter.
However, conflicts always stem from the lack of understanding of what Birthrights stand for. And it often clashes with education because society cares more about conformism than individuality. But conformism requires coercion and repression to be sustained. The problem here is that any form of control is antagonistic to Sovereignty. We cannot have both.
@ 10 mins: He refers to our monetary system as fiction…
That’s the only point in this interview that we’ll agree upon. Competition keeps people in the labyrinth of the rat race because spontaneous creativity would lead to complete decentralization.
We are born naked and die naked. So why spend all our time fighting about things we not only borrow from nature but cannot take in our graves? Money as god is no solution; it is pure dystopia. Isn’t it better to cooperate and help each other?
Think again because eventually, autonomous weapons will reign supreme all over the planet at the pace we are going.
@ 26mins: Harari goes after the political spectrum quite poorly.
What he fails to say publicly, but his agenda is to make General Intelligence look good, is that politics has always been about “bread and circuses”; otherwise, the world would have been at peace for centuries. But he goes on bashing the political spectrum.
@ 30mins: He ascertains that conspiracies are always wrong…
This is quite easily debunkable. Generally, just following the money trail is enough to find out about “Cui bono”. If the response to a crisis favors more control of the masses, it is likely meant to be that way. How many times has collusion been exposed?
We tackle this in our previous blog, The Myth Of Capitalism. The super-wealthy is well known for getting together and chatting about inclusive capitalism. However, one sole world plot has been unfolding for the last 200 years quite clearly: how to establish a world government.
Throughout history, there has always been a tiny group addicted to power, and the computer age clearly offers them the opportunity under the tyrannical grip of General Intelligence, spying on every atom continuously. They can now even control human DNA; and our data has become their most significant asset traded on the stock markets to the highest bidders.
@ 31 mins: the Sapiens regime on earth has so far produced little that we can be proud of.
That one is straightforward to answer: Sapiens were never given the opportunity to learn authentic knowledge because their mind is continually under the influence of the poisonous premise of hierarchy, which is patriarchy in disguise.
Blaming the people instead of the societal model designed to protect our patriarchal framework is evidence of cognitive dissonance. But it works. There is this notion floating around that humans are flawed creatures and need to be upgraded because evolution is itself without merit.
Harari is very astute because he leaves some room for his projection to be proven wrong, as if he were offering his audience an alternative. But he does not believe that sapiens are redeemable at all. It is obvious if you watch this video segment: “The idea of a Soul, Free Will — these are Over!”.
Harari sees us as programmable and hackable animals, just as any other organism. We are livestock. Let alone that he cares about humanity or the future of the planet.
He continues to argue from a childlike representation of “intelligence above the clouds” to pedal further the “AI intelligent design” agenda, which can only succeed if we surrender our free will. The only free will that exists is to notice or not as many pieces of data as possible and learn to make better choices.
Speaking that way presupposes that the primal conception of the cosmos is outdated and coming out of nowhere.
In his statements, though, he acknowledges that Microsoft and Google Clouds will reign as our Technocratic Masters. Digital feudalism is all we will get if allowing this agenda to unfold.
@ 57:28… an atom bomb cannot decide anything by itself but an autonomous weapon system can decide by itself who to fire on and to kill and how to start a war.
Harari’s philosophy is profoundly delusional and painful to the ears. In what sense has dropping an atomic bomb empowered society?
The aftermath of the Nuremberg trial instead shows that the ruling ideology is still ready to commit genocide at any moment. Nanotech and Synthetic Biology are invading supermarkets without us knowing that they are entirely unregulated. Then he jumps to General Intelligence and claims that an autonomous weapon system will make that decision for humans.
These are the same humans that obviously get approved by a majority when alluding that we could be headed for WW3.
We posit that General Intelligence shouldn’t exist until humanity has demonstrated the obsolescence of standing armies …
and has been at peace for at least a century. We don’t mind narrow AI, but General Intelligence will not stand for our sovereignty.
We entered the Age Of Aquarius two years ago or so, and it is said that the latter will spark a global Awakening. We desperately need it because many continue to accept uncritically official narratives (dictated by people who only value the rat race) and seem lost.
Life is a gift!