We just ran into a conversation corroborating our stance that will be worth your time!
It often occurs to us at the Mind Awakened that even when signs are ominous, sadly, most people remain entirely clueless or unable to analyze what is really going on.
It is pretty odd, to say the least, that people watching a movie quickly take the sides of victims against their oppressor(s) but will never stand up against the commodification of life, which destroys our dreams daily further.
The economy is rigged.
Capitalism is falling apart right before our very eyes, but most still expect life to go on, thinking that all crises come to an end and that the boom will eventually come back to save them further down the road.
This time is different.
This is mainly because society never pays attention to unseen forces inherent in competition. The average college degree is taught to assume that the markets self-correct, which is an incredible fallacy. The evidence is hidden in plain sight: monopolies have hijacked the global economy and keep pushing us toward the final round of this cruel musical chair game.
Precisely, in the audio talk, they look into the issue: rational monopolies do not compete but always cooperate because price wars threaten shareholders and, ultimately, the stock market… so now you can sense the amplitude of this rigged game, with Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street at the top pulling the strings.
One of the guest speakers in the audio quickly argues that there are solutions to prevent strategic mergers and break up current mergers that reduce competition. He also suggests that reviving some old regulations promoting competition could help achieve that… but we beg to differ: collusion is embedded in the economic framework legally, which is why special interests were able to circumvent legislation for so long.
How can fueling more competition save us if competition inherently competes to eliminate all competition?
There is a polarity at play here because if markets apparently look stable on the surface, on the other hand, corporations also have increasingly become too big to fail… and prosecute. That’s a catch-22 that can only end in tears and with many investors losing their shirts. If history is any indication, financial panics are nothing new. Today, anything goes, so to speak, and nothing is done because Wall Street is a swamp. It does not make much sense to expect a different outcome as investors want to make more profit each year.
Most people have no idea how fragile capitalism is. Our paychecks depend completely on regulating agencies and lawmakers turning a blind eye.
Our livelihood is in the hands of a planetary top-down playing poker with our destinies. Just like dominoes, our lives could unravel at any moment should we attempt to do anything to fix the mess we are in. It is also easy to make earnings look good, as easy as putting lipstick on a pig: corporate stock buybacks at a record pace for 2022. And inversely. the more we wait to act upon it, the more severe the downturn will be. The battle is not lost. Restarting from scratch (and without the 1%) is all we can hope for.
The Faith In Money Protects From Dying… For A While…
It is time to regard the system for what it is because if its shortcomings cannot be prevented, a painful truth must be dealt with… it is impossible to reform what is designed to fail. We have to build anew, and this grand task will allow us to improvise things we couldn’t think were ever possible.
👆 Please read this Treaty and help us if you are willing. https://www.universal-community-trust.org/uct-treaty-full/
"The battle is not lost. Restarting from scratch (and without the 1%) is all we can hope for."
Could this be the answer we're looking for? I'd appreciate your help in evaluating this:
And here (an hour in) https://www.youtube.com/live/RC-29HBLJvQ?feature=shared